I've just spent two hours (not unpleasant hours I must admit, thanks in no small part to Death in Vegas ) fiddling with profile options on Live Journal , trying to get them just right, like the fuel / air mix on an airplane or the pH of a swimming pool, so that I have the most fecund environment into which I could cast the seeds of my imagination. Little tweaks here - do I want all comments uploaded to Twitter and likewise, all Twitter postings captured here? - little permissions denied there - NO FB links, thanks - and just when the time had come to finally stop procrastinating and get stuck in, virtual pen in hand and coffee with chocolate digestive at a convenient distance (not too close to the laptop, not so far away that I might need to stretch), all I could see was the vast empty space of the Internet. Sometimes you eat the abyss and sometimes... All that directionless but febrile activity has burned out the synapses. At least, that's a good excuse for now. I genuinel...
Scribblings and jotterings unfit for public consumption, but mechanically recovered just in case.