I took a moment last night, between nappy changes (not mine you guttersnipes) to consider a proposition that I have been bandying around for a number of years, more in idleness that in all seriousness. It was something I pinched wholesale from "The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven " by Alan Warner, which I read quite a few years ago it would seem. His protagonist gives up reading anything other than travel guides and pamphlets because he has calculated that the time he has left to live (projected) is less than the time it would take to read every book he has collected in his library. "What a conclusion!" I thought, "What would it take for me to run to such a morbid assessment of my prospects in life? What strength in belief a man must have to make this decision and then stick to it!" I immediately resolved to use this line whenever a conversation came up when, faced by the book-buying public, I was forced to listen to another person bemoaning the lack of space...
Scribblings and jotterings unfit for public consumption, but mechanically recovered just in case.