Now I’ve noticed a pattern (that I had no plans to replicate initially, and will endeavour to put a stop to presently) of external referencing, specifically of websites where something interesting is occurring and warrants bringing to the attention of the discerning if misguided audience of this posting. This, with the unnecessary addition of commentary by your verbose and obfuscatory host (in so far as any nuggets of true worth – subjective or objective – are buried in sub- and sub-sub-clause, parenthesis and digression) seems to form the rudimentary basis of the last few posts, and indeed the greater portion of the blog as a whole. Therefore, after this post, I will return to the insular navel-gazing solipsism that normally constitutes my literary output and, mood allowing (and by mood I mean propensity for lack of clarity, eloquence and elegance of prose arising from the innate fear that anything I wish to impart has no intrinsic value whatsoever and should therefore be couched in pointless printed complication), may well be an interesting and / or diverting view of the inequities and idiosyncrasies of modern (i.e. post-post-modern, or, rather, contemporary) life in Europe’s youngest capital city*.
And so, back to White People Rapping Poorly ( and a very big thank you to Mike Young, formerly of some town near Halifax, Nova Scotia (how I wish it were Yankeetown or Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, but alas it is not) and currently hobbling about Cathays Park after misadventures ruptured his Achilles tendon, for the advice to check this out. It just tips over the “so bad it’s good” precipice and is now a firmly established and re-blogged cultural event. Here's a taster. Keep up the good work, crackers.
*Please note I quote verbatim from something I read somewhere at some time, possibly from a billboard or bus advert, the verisimilitude of which I can’t verify as anything other than a tag line from the tourism department of the allegedly corrupt council of Cardiff. It may be or may no longer be true, even if it ever has been, and performing a Google search adds layers of confusing pub wisdom to an otherwise pointless and ultimately tiresome endeavour. I wouldn’t countenance its investigation, and would advise anyone thinking of pursuing this line of enquiry to drop it, you boring fucker.
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